When you purchase a storage unit, you don't have to store your belongings away for years and years at a time. In fact, many people use storage units for short-term purposes. Storage units can be purchased on a month-to-month basis at a very reasonable cost, making short-term storage a great option for a number of different situations. Here are a few ways to utilize short-term self-storage:
Use it While Renovating
You don't want any of your belongings to get damaged while you're renovating your home. That's why it's a good idea to put your things into self-storage when you're doing any renovations. Dust and debris can easily ruin your beloved belongings, so to avoid any issues, opt for short-term self-storage until your renovation project is done.
Use it Between College Semesters
College students who need a place to put belongings while they are home on summer break, or when they have an internship away from campus, often utilize self storage on a short-term basis. It’s much easier than hauling your belongings back and forth.
Use it to Stay Decluttered While Staging Your Home
If you're moving, you can't keep all of your things out in your home when prospective buyers are looking at your space. So, when you're staging your home to sell it, store away your excess belongings in a storage unit. After you have sold your house, you can move your things from the storage unit into your new home.
There are so many ways to utilize a storage unit. You don't have to store away your belongings for long periods of time. Citywide Self Storage has units of all sizes and offers great rates on short-term rentals. You can use a storage unit for a few weeks, a few months, a year, or however long you need it. For more information about storage units for short-term use, contact us.